Latest News - 10/09/23
DB5 Works Bond replica – new photos

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DB5 Works Bond replica – new photos

Lagonda Taraf – new photos

New photos of the uber-rare Lagonda Taraf added today

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Lagonda Taraf, new pictures in the UK

The Lagonda Taraf, currently our favourite car, has recently been publicly shown in the UK. Pictures from AM Works and AMOC Woburn Abbey added today.

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Lagonda Taraf, exclusive photos from Geneva

The Geneva Motor Show is always a tough place to show a new car. Yet despite stiff competition from rival manufacturers, without doubt, the Lagonda Taraf was the greatest car at the show.

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Taraf, the name of the New Lagonda super saloon is released

The name of the new Lagonda Super Saloon has just been released. The name chosen is to be Taraf.

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