We hope you enjoy viewing these images on this web site, but please don’t download, copy, print or distribute any of the images without written expressed permission. If you would like to use them on your website or have a special use in mind, please contact me. In certain circumstances, I will sell prints and high resolution scans for commercial use. Again, please contact me to discuss this. Whilst this is not a commercial site and is purely made for my own pleasure, the sale of photographs for commercial use helps to cover the costs that I carry due to the large number of visitors. These images have been digitally watermarked so that they can be identified if used without permission. I recognise that some words, model names, logos and designations used within these web pages are the property of Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. I have used them for identification purposes only. This is not an official web site and has no connection with Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd, the Aston Martin Owners Club or the Aston Martin Heritage Trust.

All of the images in this web site are copyrighted original photographs and are the intellectual property of Timothy James Cottingham with all rights reserved under international copyright law. This also applies to the text. In a small number of cases, there are some images that have been provided by Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd and other photographers.