Latest News - 10/09/23
DB5 Works Bond replica – new photos

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DB5 Works Bond replica – new photos

Project Vantage – new photos

New photographs of the Project Vantage added today, taken at the recent Bonhams Aston Martin works auction

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Project Vantage up for sale

The Project Vantage of 1998 was a glimpse into the future for Aston Martin. Stored by the factory for 18 years, this historic prototype has been entered into the 2016 Bonham’s Aston Martin auction. Learn more about this fascinating car and precursor to the V12 Vanquish.

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Taraf, the name of the New Lagonda super saloon is released

The name of the new Lagonda Super Saloon has just been released. The name chosen is to be Taraf.

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