V12 Vanquish Convertible by NCE
V12 Vanquish Convertible by NCE

V12 Vanquish Convertible by NCE


Newport Convertible Engineering Inc

NCE was established in 1983 to design & build convertibles, that represent the highest standards of automotive design quality & craftsmanship. NCE has earned it's place as the "Leader" in the convertible manufacturing industry. And after broad experience making convertibles from many US, European and Far Eastern manufacturers, NCE  turned it's attention on the V12 Vanquish. This would have been a good, even inspired idea as AML had no plans to produce a Volante version of the range topping car, but who would have expected the aching beautiful Zagato Roadster.


V12 Vanquish Convertible by NCE

So, if you want to be able to lower the roof on your V12 Vanquish, you have two options, try to persuade Zagato to build you one of their open top V12 Vanquishes, or contact NCE and let them work on your car.

NCE have also shown renderings of the convertible Rapide S although so far as is known, no car gas so far been converted.